Make an Appointment: [email protected] | (858) 771-4359

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    Our Philosophy

    Tes-ser-ae | noun

    A small block of stone, tile, glass, or other material used in the construction of a mosaic.

    We all come from different cultural, spiritual, religious, and educational backgrounds. Unique-sized pieces that come together to create one, beautiful, large picture. Our goal for providing individual and family therapy is to work with individuals and/or the family of all backgrounds and teach effective coping skills to better manage difficult feelings, behaviors, and transitions. Our goal for our groups is to teach evidenced-based social skills so individuals can be more equipped to form and enrich social interactions. 

    Meet Our Team

    Reach out to us today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule a free 15 min phone call.

    We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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